This is the Fun Part: CBC Sudbury

One of the best parts of participating in the world of publishing is that you can talk with readers and writers about reading and writing. 

I guess that's always available, but since publishing MAKING UP THE GODS, I've had many opportunities to talk with people, both formally and informally. The interviews are always fun and always different.

Recently, I spoke with Jonathan Pinto at CBC Sudbury on their afternoon show, Up North. (You can find it here.) It's been several months since my book was released and I'm grateful people are still interested in it--and it's so nice to be able to express my gratitude and my belief in the importance of stories to represent the world around us.

Also, many interviewers ask "what's next?" and to make sure I'm not lying when I say "I'm working on another novel," I've been working on another novel. I do ENJOY writing, when I DO it instead of circling it or despairing the value of the writing I haven't even done yet. 

As a serious and introverted child, I never imagined that the public-facing parts of writing a book would be possible for me. It's been lovely to have the opportunity to learn that I was wrong--I do enjoy it, and talking with people is a skill I can improve. 

What a world.