Starting Over
The allure of a clean slate: the first vanilla ice cream of the year, peepers sharing their froggy angst, fireflies’ did-you-see-it no-there-over-there winks, the sharp head-clearing scent of fresh-washed pines, a dog’s fur coarse beneath your fingers. Back indoors, how can I breathe, with the old everythings crowding every room? Toss it all into the air, atomize it with the sheer force of your joy, send it higher and higher until you no longer see it though it will still exist In someone else’s fresh start ________ I found this in the Notes folder on my phone. Can you tell that I've been removing many of my things, old things, broken things, WHYYYY? things from the house this spring and summer? Can you tell that my refrain while doing so has been, "Get real, Marion!" It's worked pretty well, actually. Yes, I'm also trying, a little, to move on from MAKING UP THE GODS to do serious work on my new novel and a nonfiction project that's more amorphous a