Later, Awhile: of Straw Hats and Visors

 OK who's thinking of alligators and crocodiles, as well as headgear?

Light blue golf visor, the kind held by a
sproingy cord around the back of the head,
with a pattern of birds; and a straw hat.

Settle in, I'm about to extend a metaphor.

I've always had a big head. Possibly also metaphorically, but I'm talking about physically. As in, it's hard to find hats to fit. 

Luckily, my sister has kept me well-stocked with adjustable golf visors, which are awesome. They keep the sun out of my face and let me stay cool--they don't retain the heat a baseball cap would. 

However, lately I've found that visors give me a headache if I wear them too long. Also, they don't protect the top of my scalp from biting bugs or the sun. (It's been a while since the part in my hair burned--THAT's not fun.). 

So I've "adopted" a straw hat from my husband, just to try it out, and I like it. I'm sampling other straw hats, just for grins. 

The point is, sometimes what was working fine doesn't work so well anymore. Maybe it will again, someday, and maybe it won't. The thing is, I want to be open to other options.

Which brings me to seeing you later, gator. 

I'm going to ease into summer by taking a step back here during July. I'll be around other places online (Twitter and Instagram) and I'm available by email.  

But in the spirit of my previous post about when a pandemic is "over," I'm honouring the many and varied changes that have happened in the past few years. 

For example. I'm down to one recurring work client, this year facilitated and supported by a grant, and I hope to continue that trend. I want to best support the novel I'm working on and the novel that's out getting some eyes, as well as my book. And Shuniah House Books. And I want to read things. And be outdoors, because my enjoyment of last summer was hampered, somewhat, because of healing wrists. 

I'm happy to keep up with some commitments, while I'm stepping back from others, and contemplating in general how I can contribute to a more just future.   

See you, perhaps only briefly, in August, unless something big happens. Because the world looks different--so it should be different. I'll start with me.